April Cool: 154 PR Merges

April Cool: 154 PR Merges

I sat down to count our PRs for the last month - 154 PRs merged, resulting in a total of 30 distinct updates. (that's 1 every day). I think we can do more! But we'll compensate for that with what we are shipping this month. 👀

In the meanwhile, here's a rundown of everything we shipped at Portkey last month:

New Features

Update Feedback: Feedbacks now have distinct IDs, allowing you to update any previous feedback object. (more)

Saved Filter: You can now save frequently used filter combinations and access them directly from the Logs or Analytics search bar. (more)

Do Not Track: Process requests without logging the request and response data. (more)

Templating Engine: Make your prompt templates more extensible with MustacheJS tags. (more)

Okta SSO: Portkey supports Okta SSO for Enterprises now.

New Meetups

Ayush & I are in SF this month and would love to catch you at RSA or in Seattle, or for a filter coffee somewhere around SoMa? (just send a hi at rohit [at] portkey.ai)

We also did the first LLMs in Prod meetup in NYC last month. Really great food, even better conversations. One Portkey user flew down from Spain just for the event.

Here's our events calendar

New 98% Cost Savings

We wrote a mega implementation guide for FrugalGPT that can get you upto 98% cost savings on LLMs without compromising on accuracy.

Read the findings here.

New Partnerships

Portkey Goes Enterprise (and how!)
F5 (the creators of NGINX) is partnering with Portkey to bring our observability suite, AI gateway, and prompts platform to the F5 Distributed Cloud.

Read the announcement here. Schedule a call here if you'd like to talk more.

What Else?

That's it! Want us to prioritize a feature or an integration this month? Join the LLMs in Prod Community below to share your feedback AND to meet leading practitioners wrangling with LLMs every day