



Unsupported image file uploaded. Ensure the image format is valid and supported.

This error has been identified and solved.


The 400 error in the OpenAI API when uploading an image can be triggered by several reasons:

Image Size and Format

  • The image may exceed the 20 MB size limit or be in an unsupported format. OpenAI only supports images in png, jpeg, gif, and webp formats.

Image Validity

  • The image itself might be invalid or corrupted, even if it meets the size and format criteria. This could be due to issues during the upload or encoding process.

Configuration and Request Parameters

  • The API request might be malformed, such as incorrect headers, invalid API keys, or improper encoding of the image data. This includes ensuring the Authorization field and other request parameters are correctly set.

Network and Server Issues

  • There could be network or server-side issues that prevent the request from being processed correctly, such as packet loss or high latency, though this is less likely to be directly related to image uploads.


To resolve the 400 error when uploading an image to the OpenAI API, you can take the following steps:

Ensure that the image is valid and meets the specified requirements.

  • Verify the image size is below 20 MB.

  • Confirm the image is in one of the supported formats: png, jpeg, gif, or webp.

  • Check that the image is not corrupted or invalid.

  • Ensure the API request parameters are correctly formatted, including proper encoding of the image data and valid API keys.

  • If using base64 representation, ensure it is correctly encoded and formatted.

  • Consider passing images via URLs instead of base64 encoding for more efficient handling.

Additionally, retry the request to rule out intermittent issues.

Unsupported image file uploaded. Ensure the image format is valid and supported.

Unsupported image file uploaded. Ensure the image format is valid and supported.