About this data: Insights are based on over 2 trillion aggregated, anonymized tokens processed through Portkey AI's Gateway platform. All data has been transformed and simplified for easier understanding, with actual values being different from represented figures. This report reflects only the traffic passing through Portkey's AI Gateway and should not be taken as a complete representation of any company's or provider's actual market presence, capabilities, or performance. No customer data was accessed, analyzed, or compromised in creating this report; all insights are derived solely from metadata and aggregated usage patterns. For year-over-year comparisons, the sample includes processed data from January through December 2024 across 90+ regions. Company size classifications and other metrics are standardized for reporting clarity. These and other report definitions are subject to change. Some data points were excluded to protect customer privacy, and all geographic data has been processed in compliance with applicable data protection regulations. This report represents only a subset of Portkey's platform activity and should not be considered indicative of Portkey's full customer base, business scale, or market presence.