



Files are invalid.

This error has been identified and solved.


The 400 status error in the OpenAI API, indicating a "Bad Request," can be triggered by several reasons. Here are some possible explanations:

Incorrect or Expired API Keys

The API key used in your request might be incorrect, expired, or not properly configured. This is a common cause of the 400 error, as the server cannot authenticate the request.

Invalid Request Syntax or Configuration

The request may contain invalid syntax or configuration issues, such as incorrect headers, especially the Authorization field, or an incorrect base URL in your Axios configuration.

Unsupported File Types or Formats

If you are uploading files, the error could be due to the file type or format not being supported by the OpenAI API. For example, files with certain extensions might not be recognized correctly, even if they are valid files.

Rate Limiting and Throttling

You might be hitting the rate limits imposed by OpenAI, which can result in a 400 error. This occurs when the number of requests exceeds the allowed limit within a given time frame.

Invalid Input or Parameters

The error can also occur due to invalid input or parameters in your request. For example, specifying dimensions for a model that does not support them, or having extra whitespace or new lines in the input text that are not stripped.

Network and Configuration Issues

Network configurations, such as VPN settings, or other network-related issues can also cause the 400 error. This might result in the server returning a "Not found" or similar error.

These are the primary reasons why you might be encountering a 400 status error when using the OpenAI API.


To fix the 400 status error in the OpenAI API, you should take the following steps:

  • Verify and update your API key to ensure it is correct and not expired.

  • Check the configuration of your request, including the base URL, headers, and any other parameters.

  • Ensure that you are not exceeding the rate limits set by OpenAI.

  • Validate the input and parameters of your request to make sure they are supported by the model you are using.

  • Inspect and adjust any network configurations that might be interfering with the request.

Key actions:

  • Check and update API key

  • Verify request configuration

  • Manage rate limits

  • Validate input and parameters

  • Adjust network configurations if necessary

Files are invalid.

Files are invalid.

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