Failed to download image. The image may contain no data due to an upload error or exceed the size limit.
This error has been identified and solved.
The 400 status error in the OpenAI API, specifically in the context of your error message, is likely due to one of the following reasons:
Invalid Request Syntax or Configuration
The error indicates a "Bad Request," which means the server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax or configuration. This could be because the request contains invalid parameters or data that do not meet the API's requirements.
Exceeded Image Size Limit
The error message "Image size exceeds the limit" suggests that the image you are trying to download or process is larger than the allowed size limit set by the OpenAI API. This is a specific constraint that must be adhered to when making requests.
Incorrect or Invalid Data Type
The API may be expecting a specific data type or format that is not being provided. For example, if the API expects an array but receives a different type of data, it will return a 400 error.
In your case, the specific error message "Image size exceeds the limit" points to the image size being the primary issue.
To resolve the 400 status error in the OpenAI API, you need to address the following key issues:
Ensure the image you are trying to process does not exceed the size limits. Here are the steps to take:
Resize the Image: Ensure the shortest side of the image is no bigger than 768px and the longest side is no bigger than 2048px.
Check Image Size: Verify that the image size, even after base64 encoding, does not exceed the specified limits (typically 20MB for the unencoded file).
Validate Request Parameters: Ensure that all parameters in your request are valid and match the expected data types and formats.
Inspect Network Traffic: Use tools to inspect network traffic to identify any anomalies or issues in the request.
By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively resolve the 400 status error related to image processing in the OpenAI API.
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