



The image size exceeds the maximum allowed limit of 5 MB. Please upload a smaller image.

This error has been identified and solved.


The HTTP 400 Bad Request error in the Anthropic API, specifically the message messages.0.content.2.image.source: image exceeds 5 MB maximum: 5591868 bytes > 5242880 bytes, indicates that the image you are trying to upload exceeds the maximum allowed size of 5 MB (5242880 bytes). This is a common cause of 400 errors, as the API has strict limits on the size of the data that can be sent in a single request.


To fix the HTTP 400 Bad Request error due to the image exceeding the 5 MB maximum size limit in the Anthropic API, you need to ensure the image is resized or compressed before uploading. Here are some concise solutions:

  • Resize the image: Reduce the dimensions of the image to lower its file size.

  • Compress the image: Use an image compression tool or API to reduce the file size without significantly compromising image quality.

  • Convert image format: If possible, convert the image to a format that is more efficient in terms of file size, such as JPEG instead of HEIF or PNG.

  • Use an image resize API: Utilize services like EWWW Image Optimizer or other similar APIs to optimize and compress the image automatically.

By taking these steps, you can ensure the image file size stays within the 5 MB limit required by the Anthropic API.

Original Error Message


The image size exceeds the maximum allowed limit of 5 MB. Please upload a smaller image.

Original Error Message


The image size exceeds the maximum allowed limit of 5 MB. Please upload a smaller image.