



Requested model is not compatible with the current engine. Please contact support for further assistance.

This error has been identified and solved.


The error "You requested a model that is not compatible with this engine" with a 400 status code in the OpenAI API indicates that the model you are trying to use is not compatible with the engine or endpoint you are accessing. Here are the key reasons for this error:

  • Model and Engine Incompatibility: The model specified in your request (e.g., gpt-4) may not be compatible with the engine or API endpoint you are using. Different models may require specific engines or endpoints.

  • Recent Changes or Updates: There could have been recent changes to model names or compatibility that your code has not accounted for.

  • Incorrect API Endpoint or Configuration: The error might also arise from incorrect configuration or an incorrect API endpoint being used for the specific model you are requesting.


To resolve the "You requested a model that is not compatible with this engine" error in the OpenAI API, you need to ensure the model and engine are compatible. Here are some steps to take:

  • Verify the model name and ensure it matches the one supported by the engine or endpoint you are using.

  • Check for any recent updates or changes to model names or compatibility.

  • Use the correct API endpoint for the specific model you are requesting.

Additionally, review the OpenAI API documentation to ensure you are using the appropriate model and engine combination, and contact OpenAI's help center if the issue persists.

Original Error Message


Requested model is not compatible with the current engine. Please contact support for further assistance.

Original Error Message


Requested model is not compatible with the current engine. Please contact support for further assistance.