



Invalid chat format: missing required 'url' field in image_url dictionary.

This error has been identified and solved.


The 400 status error in the OpenAI API, particularly when related to image processing, can be caused by several factors:

  • Invalid or Disallowed Content: The image may contain content that violates OpenAI's terms or policies, such as certain types of images that are not allowed[4>.

  • Incorrect API Request Parameters: The request might be malformed or contain incorrect parameters, such as mis-named or unsupported parameters.

  • Model Limitations: The model used may not support the specific request, for example, specifying dimensions that are not supported by the model.

  • Network and Configuration Issues: Issues with network traffic or specific configuration settings can also lead to a 400 error, though this is less common in the context of image processing.

These factors can result in the server being unable to understand or process the request, leading to a "Bad Request" error.


To resolve the 400 status error in the OpenAI API when processing images, you can take the following steps:

Ensure that the image meets the specified requirements, such as being below 20 MB in size and in one of the supported formats (png, jpeg, gif, webp).

  • Verify the API request parameters to ensure they are correctly formatted and supported.

  • Check that the image does not contain any content that violates OpenAI's terms or policies.

  • Confirm that the model used supports image processing and the specified dimensions.

  • If using base64 representation, ensure it is correctly encoded and formatted.

Additionally, consider the following:

  • Retry the request, as intermittent issues may resolve themselves.

  • Inspect network traffic to identify any anomalies.

  • Ensure your API key is valid and not expired.

Invalid chat format: missing required 'url' field in image_url dictionary.

Invalid chat format: missing required 'url' field in image_url dictionary.

Suggested Links

https://community.openai.com/t/400-errors-on-gpt-vision-api-since-today/534538 https://community.openai.com/t/openai-gpt-4o-image-processing-500-errors-and-long-response-times-with-larger-requests/956024 https://cheatsheet.md/chatgpt-cheatsheet/openai-api-error-axioserror-request-failed-status-code-400 https://community.openai.com/t/specific-images-causing-400-error-for-the-gpt-vision-api-endpoint/728111 https://github.com/openai/openai-cookbook/issues/1562