



Invalid chat format: missing required "url" field in image_url dictionary.

This error has been identified and solved.


The error message "Invalid chat format. Expected 'url' field in image_url dict" when encountering a 400 status code in the OpenAI API indicates that the request payload is not formatted correctly according to the API's expectations.

Here are the key reasons for this error:

  • Incorrect Payload Structure: The API expects the image data to be provided in a specific format, typically as an image_url type, which should contain a valid URL. However, the current payload might be missing the required url field or incorrectly structured.

  • Unexpected Keys: The request might include unexpected keys or parameters that do not match the expected format for the model, specifically the gpt-4-vision-preview model which has strict requirements for how image and text data are presented.

  • Model-Specific Requirements: Different models have different requirements for how data should be formatted. The gpt-4-vision-preview model, in particular, requires a precise format for handling both text and image data, and any deviation from this format can result in a 400 error.


To fix the "Invalid chat format: missing required 'url' field in image_url dictionary" error, you need to ensure that your request payload is structured correctly according to the OpenAI API's expectations. Here are the key adjustments to make:

  • Ensure that the image_url type contains a nested dictionary with a url field.

  • Remove any unexpected keys or parameters that do not match the expected format.

  • Use the correct model-specific format, particularly for the gpt-4-vision-preview model.

Here are the essential points to correct:

  • Nest the url and any additional details (like detail) within the image_url dictionary.

  • Verify that the content field is an array of content objects with the correct types (text or image_url).

  • Ensure that base64 encoded images are converted to a data URL and included in the image_url field correctly.

Invalid chat format: missing required "url" field in image_url dictionary.

Invalid chat format: missing required "url" field in image_url dictionary.

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