



Prompt is too long: the number of tokens exceeds the maximum allowed limit.

This error has been identified and solved.


The HTTP 400 Bad Request error you are encountering with the Anthropic API, specifically the message "messages: at least one message is required," indicates that your request is missing a necessary component. Here are the key reasons for this error:

Missing Required Fields

The API requires that at least one message be included in the request. If the messages field is empty or not present, the server will return a 400 error.

Invalid Request Format

The error falls under the invalid_request_error category, which means there is an issue with the format or content of your request. In this case, it is due to the absence of the required content field within the messages array.

Content Requirement

Each message in the messages array must have a non-empty content field. If this field is missing or empty, the request will be rejected with a 400 error.


To fix the HTTP 400 Bad Request error in the Anthropic API, you need to ensure your request includes the necessary components. Here are the steps to resolve the issue:

  • Include at least one message in the messages field of your request.

  • Ensure each message in the messages array has a non-empty content field.

  • Verify that the request format is correct and aligns with the API documentation.

Key points to check:

  • Ensure the messages field is not empty.

  • Each message must have a content field with a non-empty value.

  • Review the request format to match the expected structure defined in the API documentation.

Original Error Message


Prompt is too long: the number of tokens exceeds the maximum allowed limit.

Original Error Message


Prompt is too long: the number of tokens exceeds the maximum allowed limit.

Suggested Links

https://www.restack.io/p/anthropic-answer-http-400-bad-request-cat-ai https://www.instill.tech/docs/component/ai/anthropic https://github.com/continuedev/continue/issues/2006 https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/build-with-claude/tool-use https://docs.anthropic.com/en/api/errors