



Invalid format: Input does not match the required pattern. Please ensure it adheres to the allowed character set and length constraints.

This error has been identified and solved.


The "400 - Bad Request" error in the OpenAI API, specifically the error message "Browse graph does not match '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$' - 'tools.0.function.name'," indicates a few key issues:

Invalid Function Name

The error message suggests that the name of the function or tool you are trying to use does not comply with the required format. The name must match the regex pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$, which means it should only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and must be between 1 and 64 characters long.

API Request Validation

This error is part of the API's validation process, ensuring that the request parameters, including function names, adhere to specific constraints. If the name does not fit this format, the API will reject the request with a 400 error.

Configuration and Syntax

The issue could also be related to incorrect configuration or syntax in your API request. This includes ensuring that all fields, such as the function name, are correctly set and conform to the expected format.


To fix the "400 - Bad Request" error in the OpenAI API due to an invalid function name, you need to ensure that your request adheres to the required format. Here are the key steps:

  • Validate the function name: Ensure the function name matches the regex pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$, meaning it should only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and be between 1 and 64 characters long.

  • Check API request parameters: Verify that all fields in the API request, including the function name, are correctly set and conform to the expected format.

  • Review configuration and syntax: Make sure there are no errors in the configuration or syntax of your API request.

By ensuring these points, you can resolve the issue related to the invalid format of the function name.

Original Error Message


Invalid format: Input does not match the required pattern. Please ensure it adheres to the allowed character set and length constraints.

Original Error Message


Invalid format: Input does not match the required pattern. Please ensure it adheres to the allowed character set and length constraints.

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