



The "input" property is required but missing. Please provide the necessary data.

This error has been identified and solved.


The "400 status error" with the message "'input' is a required property" in the OpenAI API indicates that the request you are making is missing a necessary parameter. Here are the key reasons for this error:

  • Missing or Incorrect 'input' Field: The API requires a specific field named 'input' in the request body, which contains the text or data you want to process. If this field is absent, empty, or not properly formatted, the API will return a 400 error.

  • Invalid Request Structure: The request might not be correctly structured according to the API's expectations. For example, the 'input' field might be nested incorrectly or not included in the correct section of the request body.

  • Validation Errors: The API may be strictly enforcing the presence of required properties, and any omission or incorrect formatting of these properties will result in a 400 error.


To fix the 400 status error due to a missing or incorrect 'input' property in the OpenAI API, ensure the following:

  • Include the 'input' field in the request body.

  • Verify that the 'input' field contains the required text or data and is not empty.

  • Ensure the request body is correctly structured according to the API's documentation.

Here are some key points to check:

  • Presence of 'input' field: Make sure the 'input' field is present in the request body.

  • Correct formatting: Ensure the 'input' field is formatted as a valid string.

  • Proper nesting: Verify that the 'input' field is nested correctly within the request body.

  • Non-empty value: Confirm that the 'input' field is not empty.

The "input" property is required but missing. Please provide the necessary data.

The "input" property is required but missing. Please provide the necessary data.

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