



The 'input' property is required but missing. Please provide the necessary data.

This error has been identified and solved.


The 400 - Bad Request error in the OpenAI API, specifically with the message 'input' is a required property, indicates that the API request is missing a necessary parameter or has an invalid configuration. Here are some possible reasons for this error:

Invalid or Missing 'input' Parameter

  • The API request may not include the required input parameter, which is essential for the API to process the request.

Incorrect Request Syntax or Configuration

  • The request syntax or configuration might be incorrect, leading the server to be unable to understand the request. This could be due to malformed JSON, incorrect headers, or other syntactical errors.

Exceeded Request Limits or Invalid Model Parameters

  • The request may violate the API's limits or constraints, such as specifying dimensions for a model that does not support them, or exceeding the allowed number of headers or tokens.

Server-Side Issues

  • There could be server-side issues or changes in the API that are causing the error, such as new validation rules or temporary server-side problems.


To resolve the 400 - Bad Request error in the OpenAI API with the message 'input' is a required property, you need to ensure the following:

  • Include the 'input' parameter: Make sure the input parameter is present and correctly formatted in your API request.

  • Verify request syntax and configuration: Check that your request syntax and configuration are correct, including proper JSON formatting and correct headers.

  • Check request limits and model parameters: Ensure that your request does not exceed any API limits or constraints, such as token limits or model-specific parameters.

  • Update to the latest API version: If you are using an outdated version, update to the latest API version to align with any new validation rules or changes.

By addressing these points, you should be able to resolve the 400 - Bad Request error.

The 'input' property is required but missing. Please provide the necessary data.

The 'input' property is required but missing. Please provide the necessary data.