



Invalid role specified: the role must be one of ["system", "assistant", "user", "function"].

This error has been identified and solved.


The 400 status error you are encountering, specifically the message "useer is not one of ['system', 'assistant', 'user', 'function'] - 'messages.1.role'," indicates that there is an issue with the role parameter in your API request.

Here are the key reasons for this error:

Invalid Role Value

The role specified in your request ("useer") is not one of the accepted values, which are "system," "assistant," "user," or "function". This typo or incorrect value causes the server to reject the request as a "Bad Request".

API Request Syntax

The error suggests that the syntax or configuration of your API request is incorrect, specifically in the messages array where the role is defined. This could be due to a simple typo or a misconfiguration of the request payload.


To fix the 400 status error due to an invalid role specified in the OpenAI API, you need to ensure that the role parameter is set to one of the accepted values. Here are the steps to correct this:

  • Check and correct the role value to be one of "system," "assistant," "user," or "function."

  • Verify that there are no typos or misconfigurations in the messages array where the role is defined.

Key corrections:

  • Use "system" for high-level instructions.

  • Use "assistant" for the model's responses.

  • Use "user" for user queries or prompts.

  • Use "function" for invoking specific functions.

Ensure the request payload is correctly formatted and free of typos.

Original Error Message


Invalid role specified: the role must be one of ["system", "assistant", "user", "function"].

Original Error Message


Invalid role specified: the role must be one of ["system", "assistant", "user", "function"].

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