The 'contents' field is missing in the request. Please provide the necessary content before proceeding.
This error has been identified and solved.
The 400 status error in the Google API, specifically the message "User location is not supported for the API use," indicates that the API you are using does not support the location from which the request is being made. Here are the key points:
The API may not be available in your region or country.
The error suggests a mismatch between the user's location and the supported locations for the specific API being used.
This error is a result of a client-side issue where the request cannot be fulfilled due to the user's location not being compatible with the API's usage policies.
To resolve the 400 error due to the "User location is not supported for the API use" message, consider the following steps:
Check if the API is available in your region or country. If it is not, you may need to use an alternative service or adjust your setup.
Here are some potential solutions:
Use a different region: Try shifting your server or requests to a region that is supported by the API.
Use an alternative service: If the API is not available in your region, consider using a different API or service that is supported, such as Vertex AI.
Contact Google Support: If you believe the issue is due to a temporary or incorrect restriction, contact Google support for further assistance.
Verify Server Location: Ensure your server or VPS is located in a supported region and not using a VPN or cloud server that might be routing requests through an unsupported location.
Suggested Links
https://developers.google.com/drive/api/guides/handle-errors https://discuss.ai.google.dev/t/does-anyone-know-why-i-receive-a-400-error/537 https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/guides/handle-errors https://discuss.ai.google.dev/t/status-code-400-user-location-is-not-supported-for-the-api-use/50406 https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/Workspace-Q-A/Seeing-400-error-while-trying-to-send-a-mail/m-p/536255