



Invalid parameter: messages with role "tool" must follow a preceding message with "tool_calls".

This error has been identified and solved.


The 400 status error in the OpenAI API with the message "Invalid parameter: messages with role 'tool' must be a response to a preceding message with 'tool_calls'" indicates that the API request is not properly structured according to the API's requirements.

Specifically, the error suggests that the API expects any message with the role "tool" to be a response to a previous message that contains a "tool_calls" directive. If this preceding message is missing or incorrectly formatted, the API cannot process the request, leading to a "Bad Request" error.

This issue is likely due to the API's strict requirements for the sequence and content of messages in the request, particularly when involving tool calls and responses.


To fix the "Invalid parameter: messages with role 'tool' must be a response to a preceding message with 'tool_calls'" error in the OpenAI API, you need to ensure that your request adheres to the API's messaging structure. Here are the key steps to correct this:

  • Ensure each ToolMessage is preceded by an AIMessage that contains the corresponding tool_calls.

  • Match each ToolMessage with the correct tool_call_id from the preceding AIMessage.

  • Avoid passing ToolMessages that are not responses to preceding tool_calls.

Here are some concise actions to take:

  • Verify the sequence of messages in your request.

  • Check that each ToolMessage has a valid tool_call_id.

  • Ensure no ToolMessage is sent without a preceding AIMessage with tool_calls.

Original Error Message


Invalid parameter: messages with role "tool" must follow a preceding message with "tool_calls".

Original Error Message


Invalid parameter: messages with role "tool" must follow a preceding message with "tool_calls".

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