Invalid parameter: messages with role 'tool' must follow a preceding message with 'tool_calls'.
This error has been identified and solved.
The error Invalid parameter: messages with role 'tool' must be a response to a preceding message with 'tool_calls'
in the OpenAI API occurs due to an incorrect sequence of messages in your API requests. Here are the key reasons for this error:
Message Sequence: The API expects that any message with the role 'tool' must be a direct response to a preceding message that contains 'tool_calls'. If this sequence is not maintained, the API will reject the request with a 400 status code.
Chat Store Integrity: When loading the chat store from a persistent storage, ensuring that the messages are correctly ordered and structured is crucial. If the stored messages do not adhere to the required sequence, this error can arise.
API Request Structure: The error indicates that the structure of your API request is not in compliance with the expected format, specifically regarding the relationship between 'tool' and 'tool_calls' messages.
To fix the Invalid parameter: messages with role 'tool' must be a response to a preceding message with 'tool_calls'
error in the OpenAI API, you need to ensure the correct sequencing and structure of your messages. Here are the steps to resolve this issue:
Ensure that every message with the role 'tool' is immediately following a message with 'tool_calls'. This maintains the required sequence expected by the API.
Verify the order of messages in your chat store to ensure 'tool_calls' precedes any 'tool' messages.
Check the persistence mechanism of your chat store to make sure it maintains the correct sequence of messages.
Review your API request structure to confirm that 'tool' messages are correctly placed after 'tool_calls' messages.
By adhering to these steps, you can ensure your API requests are properly formatted and sequenced, thereby resolving the error.
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