



Could not decode the generated JSON. Ensure your schema is correct, as common issues include typos and bad references.

This error has been identified and solved.


The 400 status error you are encountering in the Anyscale API is likely due to a malformed request payload. Here are some possible reasons:

  • Invalid or Missing Fields: The request JSON might be missing required fields or contain fields with incorrect names or types, which fails the schema validation.

  • Typos or Bad References: There could be typos in the property names or incorrect references within the JSON payload, leading to validation errors.

  • Extra Fields: The request might include extra fields that are not permitted by the schema, causing a validation error.

  • Parsing Errors: The JSON payload may contain syntax errors or incorrect formatting, preventing it from being parsed correctly.

These issues result in the API being unable to decode the generated JSON according to the expected schema.


To fix the 400 status error in the Anyscale API, you need to ensure that your request payload is correctly formatted and complies with the expected schema. Here are the key steps to take:

  • Review the schema: Ensure all required fields are present and correctly named.

  • Check for typos and bad references: Verify that there are no spelling mistakes or incorrect references in the JSON payload.

  • Remove extra fields: Make sure the request does not include any fields that are not permitted by the schema.

  • Validate JSON syntax: Confirm that the JSON payload is syntactically correct and properly formatted.

By addressing these areas, you can resolve the issues causing the 400 status error.

Could not decode the generated JSON. Ensure your schema is correct, as common issues include typos and bad references.