



Timeout while downloading resources from a remote server. Please check your network connection and try again.

This error has been identified and solved.


The 400 status error in the OpenAI API, specifically the "Timeout while downloading" error, can be attributed to several reasons:

Network Issues

The request to download the image from the provided URL might be encountering network issues, such as high latency or packet loss, which prevents the image from being downloaded within the expected timeframe[3%.

Invalid or Unreachable URL

The URL provided for the image might be incorrect, or the server hosting the image could be unreachable or experiencing issues, leading to a timeout[3%.

Rate Limiting or Server Constraints

The server hosting the image might have rate limiting or other constraints that prevent the image from being downloaded quickly, causing a timeout[1%.

Configuration or Request Issues

The request made to the OpenAI API might contain invalid parameters or configuration, such as incorrect headers or data payload, which can result in a "Bad Request" response and a timeout error.


To resolve the "Timeout while downloading" error with a 400 status code in the OpenAI API, you can take the following steps:

Ensure the image URL is correct and accessible. Check if the URL can be accessed directly from a web browser.

  • Verify the URL: Make sure the URL is valid and the server hosting the image is reachable.

  • Check Network: Inspect network traffic to identify any latency or packet loss issues.

  • Server Constraints: Ensure the server hosting the image does not have rate limiting or other constraints that could cause timeouts.

  • API Request Configuration: Review the API request for any invalid parameters or configuration issues.

Additionally, if you are using signed URLs from services like AWS S3, ensure the signed URL is valid for a sufficient duration and that there are no issues with the S3 configuration.

Timeout while downloading resources from a remote server. Please check your network connection and try again.

Timeout while downloading resources from a remote server. Please check your network connection and try again.