



Action not allowed: downloading files for the specified purpose is restricted.

This error has been identified and solved.


The error "Not allowed to download files of purpose: assistants" with a 400 status code in the OpenAI API indicates that the API does not permit downloading files that are associated with the purpose of 'assistants'. This is a restriction imposed by OpenAI, where certain types of files, such as those generated or uploaded through assistants, are not allowed to be downloaded due to their specific purpose or usage constraints.


To resolve the "Not allowed to download files of purpose: assistants" error with a 400 status code in the OpenAI API, you need to adhere to the restrictions set by OpenAI. Here are some concise steps to address this issue:

  • Check the file purpose: Ensure the files you are trying to download are not associated with the 'assistants' purpose.

  • Use allowed file types: Only attempt to download files that are permitted by OpenAI's policies, such as results from fine-tuning runs.

  • Review OpenAI documentation: Refer to OpenAI's documentation to understand the specific limitations and allowed file types for downloads.

  • Alternative storage: Consider storing files in an alternative location if they cannot be downloaded through the OpenAI API.

By following these guidelines, you can avoid the 400 error related to file download restrictions.

Original Error Message


Action not allowed: downloading files for the specified purpose is restricted.

Original Error Message


Action not allowed: downloading files for the specified purpose is restricted.