Invalid schema for function "matching_auto_reply": The provided data type is not valid under the defined schemas.
This error has been identified and solved.
The 400 status error in the Azure OpenAI API, specifically the message "Invalid schema for function 'matching_auto_reply': 'bool' is not valid under any of the given schemas," indicates several possible issues:
Invalid Request Payload
The error suggests that the payload you are passing to the API does not conform to the expected schema. This could be due to incorrect or missing fields, or the data types of the fields not matching what the API expects.
Incorrect Data Types
The specific mention of "'bool' is not valid under any of the given schemas" implies that the boolean value you are passing is not accepted in the context where it is being used. This could be due to the schema requiring a different data type or the boolean value being placed in an incorrect position within the payload.
API Request Configuration
The error can also arise from incorrect configuration of the API request itself, such as incorrect headers, invalid API keys, or an incorrect API endpoint. For example, an invalid Content-Type
header or an incorrect API version can result in a 400 error.
Rate Limiting or Throttling
Although less likely to cause a schema validation error, rate limiting or throttling issues can sometimes manifest as 400 errors if the API request is malformed or if the rate limits are not properly handled.
In summary, the error is likely due to a mismatch between the data you are sending and what the API's schema expects.
To fix the 400 status error in the Azure OpenAI API due to an "Invalid schema for function" error, you need to ensure the following:
Verify the request payload: Ensure that the data you are sending conforms to the expected schema of the API.
Check data types: Make sure the data types of the fields in your payload match what the API expects.
Review API request configuration: Confirm that the API keys, headers, and API endpoint are correctly set.
Inspect network traffic: If necessary, use tools to inspect network traffic for any anomalies.
Adhere to rate limits: Ensure your application is not exceeding the rate limits imposed by the API.
Additionally, refer to the specific schema documentation for the function you are using to ensure all required parameters are included and are of the correct type.