Only one system message can be specified. Please ensure no more than one system message is included in your request.
This error has been identified and solved.
The 400 status error in the Anyscale API is likely due to a malformed or invalid request. Here are some possible reasons:
Invalid Request Format
The request might not be formatted correctly according to the API's specifications. For example, the request body might contain extra fields that are not permitted, or the data might not be in the expected JSON format.
Validation Errors
The API may be encountering validation errors when parsing the request data. This could be due to missing or incorrectly formatted fields, or the presence of extra fields that are not allowed.
Encoding Issues
There could be issues with the encoding of the request payload, such as a mismatch between the specified encoding (e.g., gzip) and the actual format of the payload.
Specific API Constraints
The API may have specific constraints or rules that the request is not adhering to, such as limits on the number or format of certain parameters (e.g., only one system message can be specified).
To resolve the 400 status error in the Anyscale API, you should ensure the following:
Verify Request Format: Ensure the request body is correctly formatted according to the API's specifications.
Check for Validation Errors: Confirm that all required fields are present and correctly formatted, and that no extra fields are included that are not permitted.
Correct Encoding: Make sure the encoding of the request payload matches the specified encoding.
Adhere to API Constraints: Ensure the request complies with any specific constraints or rules of the API, such as limits on parameters.
Additionally, review the request ID and error message for specific details that might indicate the exact cause of the error.
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