



The input provided is not of the expected type 'array'. Ensure the structure of the data matches the required format.

This error has been identified and solved.


The 400 status error in the Azure OpenAI API could be due to several reasons:

Incorrect API Key or Credentials

The API key or subscription key might be invalid, expired, or not correctly configured.

Middleware and Configuration Issues

There could be issues with the configuration of the API client, such as incorrect base URLs, misplaced or incorrectly formatted headers (e.g., the Authorization field), or other middleware problems.

Rate Limiting and Throttling

The API requests may be exceeding the rate limits set by Azure OpenAI, leading to a 400 error.

Data Payload Size

The data payload sent in the API request might exceed the maximum allowed size, causing the error.

Invalid Request Arguments

The request arguments might be incorrectly structured or formatted, or include unrecognized arguments, which can trigger the error.

Input Validation Errors

Invalid input provided to the API, such as incorrect or malformed data, can result in a 400 error.

Network and Firewall Issues

Firewall rules or proxy settings might be blocking the outbound requests to the Azure OpenAI service.

Incorrect API Endpoint or Request Format

The API endpoint URL might be incorrect, or the request format (including headers and content type) might not match the required specifications.

In your specific case, the error message suggests that the messages field is not of type "array," indicating an issue with the request structure.


To fix the 400 status error in the Azure OpenAI API, you need to ensure the following:

  • Verify API Keys and Credentials: Check that your API key or subscription key is valid, not expired, and correctly configured.

  • Check Middleware and Configuration: Ensure the base URL, headers (including the Authorization field), and other middleware settings are correct.

  • Adhere to Rate Limits: Make sure your API requests are not exceeding the rate limits set by Azure OpenAI.

  • Validate Data Payload Size: Confirm that the data payload does not exceed the maximum allowed size.

  • Correct Request Arguments: Ensure the request arguments are correctly structured and formatted, and exclude any unrecognized arguments.

  • Validate Input Data: Check that the input data is correct and properly formatted according to the API documentation.

  • Inspect Network and Firewall Settings: Verify that firewall rules or proxy settings are not blocking the outbound requests to the Azure OpenAI service.

  • Use Correct API Endpoint and Request Format: Ensure the API endpoint URL and the request format, including headers and content type, match the required specifications.

Particularly, focus on ensuring the messages field is of the correct type (an array) as indicated by the error message.

Original Error Message


The input provided is not of the expected type 'array'. Ensure the structure of the data matches the required format.

Original Error Message


The input provided is not of the expected type 'array'. Ensure the structure of the data matches the required format.

Suggested Links

https://cheatsheet.md/chatgpt-cheatsheet/openai-api-error-axioserror-request-failed-status-code-400 https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/openai/azure-ai-openai/TROUBLESHOOTING.md https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/how-to/quota https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-search-openai-demo/issues/1134 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/2139738/openai-badrequesterror-error-code-400-((error-((me