



Invalid type for input: expected an array of objects. Please ensure the correct data format is used.

This error has been identified and solved.


The error "Invalid type for 'messages': expected an array of objects, but got a string instead" in the OpenAI API indicates that the messages parameter in your API request is not formatted correctly. Here are the key reasons for this error:

  • Incorrect Data Type: The API expects the messages parameter to be an array of objects, but you are providing a string instead.

  • Misinterpretation of JSON: The JSON variable or parameter you are using might be treated as a string instead of being parsed as a JSON object or array, leading to the type mismatch.

This mismatch between the expected and actual data types is what triggers the 400 error, signifying a "Bad Request" due to invalid syntax or configuration.


To fix the "Invalid type for 'messages': expected an array of objects, but got a string instead" error in the OpenAI API, you need to ensure that the messages parameter is correctly formatted as an array of objects. Here are the steps to resolve this issue:

Ensure your JSON variable or parameter is parsed correctly into a JSON object or array, rather than being treated as a string.

  • Verify that the messages parameter is an array.

  • Each element in the array should be an object with the required keys (e.g., role, content).

  • Make sure there are no trailing or leading characters that could cause the JSON to be misinterpreted.

By correcting the data type and ensuring proper JSON parsing, you can resolve the 400 error and successfully make the API request.

Invalid type for input: expected an array of objects. Please ensure the correct data format is used.

Invalid type for input: expected an array of objects. Please ensure the correct data format is used.