
To ensure secure access to Portkey's APIs, authentication is required for all requests. This guide provides the necessary steps to authenticate your requests using the Portkey API key, regardless of whether you are using the SDKs for Python and JavaScript, the OpenAI SDK, or making REST API calls directly.

Obtaining Your API Key

Your Portkey API key is the primary credential for authentication. To find it:

  1. Log in to your Portkey account.

  2. Navigate to the dropdown menu in the profile section.

  3. Locate and copy your API key.

Authentication with SDKs

Portkey SDKs

import Portkey from 'portkey-ai'

const portkey = new Portkey({
    apiKey: "PORTKEY_API_KEY", // Replace with your actual API key
    virtualKey: "VIRTUAL_KEY"  // Optional: Use for virtual key management

const chatCompletion = await{
    messages: [{ role: 'user', content: 'Say this is a test' }],
    model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',



When integrating Portkey through the OpenAI SDK, modify the base URL and add the x-portkey-api-key header for authentication. Here's an example of how to do it:

import openai from 'openai';
import { PORTKEY_GATEWAY_URL, createHeaders } from 'portkey-ai';

openai.api_base = PORTKEY_GATEWAY_URL;

const headers = createHeaders({
    provider: "openai",
    apiKey: "PORTKEY_API_KEY" // Replace with your actual Portkey API key

// Continue with your OpenAI SDK usage, utilizing the headers for authentication

Read more here.

Last updated