This feature is available on all Portkey plans.

Using Portkey Gateway, you can route your requests to different provider targets based on custom conditions you define. These can be conditions like:

  • If this user is on the paid plan, route their request to a custom fine-tuned model
  • If this user is an EU resident, call an EU hosted model
  • If this user is a beta tester, send their request to the preview model
  • If the request is coming from testing environment with a llm-pass-through flag, route it to the cheapest model
  • ..and more!

Using this strategy, you can set up various conditional checks on the metadata keys you’re passing with your requests and route requests to the appropriate target — all happening very fast on the gateway, on edge.

Enabling Conditional Routing

Conditional routing is one of the strategies in Portkey’s Gateway Configs. (others being fallback and loadbalance). To use it in your app,

  1. You need to create a conditional config in Portkey UI.
  2. Save the Config and get an associated Config ID.
  3. And just pass the Config ID along with your requests using the config param.

1. Creating the conditional Config

Here’s how a sample conditional config looks (along with its simpler, tree view).

  "strategy": {
    "mode": "conditional",
    "conditions": [
    "default": "target_1"
  "targets": [
      "name": "target_1",
      "name": "target_2",
  • strategy.mode: Set to conditional
  • strategy.conditions: Query conditions with rules applied on metadata values along with which target to call when the condition passes
  • strategy.default: The default target name to call when none of the conditions pass
  • targets: Array of target objects with unique names and provider details. These target names are referenced in the conditions objects above.

conditions and default are required params for the conditional strategy.

Structure of conditions Object

conditions are where you will actually write the routing rules. Here’s a sample condition object:

  "query": { "metadata.user_plan": { "$eq": "paid" } },
  "then": "finetuned-gpt4"

query: Write the exact rule for checking metadata values

then: Define which target to call if the query PASSES

List of Condition Query Operators

$neNot equals
$inIn array
$ninNot in array
$regexMatch the regex
$gtGreater than
$gteGreater than or equal to
$ltLess than
$lteLess than or equal to

Logical Query Operators

  • $and: All conditions must be true
  • $or: At least one condition must be true

Example Condition objects with Logical Operators

  "$and": [
    { "metadata.user_type": { "$eq": "pro" } },
    { "metadata.model": { "$eq": "gpt-4" } }
  1. You can write nested queries (with $and, $or operators)
  2. When a condition is incorrect or it fails, Portkey moves on to the next condition until it finds a successful condition.
  3. If no conditions pass, then the default target name is called
  4. Since Portkey iterates through the queries sequentially, the order of your conditions is important

2. Getting Config ID

Based on the conditions and the Config structure described above, you can create your Config in Portkey UI, and save it to get Config ID. The UI also helps you autofill and autoformat your Config.

Adding the above sample condition to our final Config:

  "strategy": {
    "mode": "conditional",
    "conditions": [
        "query": { "metadata.user_plan": { "$eq": "paid" } },
        "then": "finetuned-gpt4"
        "query": { "metadata.user_plan": { "$eq": "free" } },
        "then": "base-gpt4"
    "default": "base-gpt4"
  "targets": [
      "name": "finetuned-gpt4",
      "name": "base-gpt4",

2. Getting Config ID

Based on the conditions and the Config structure described above, you can create your Config in Portkey UI, and save it to get Config ID. The UI also helps you autofill and autoformat your Config.

Adding the above sample condition to our final Config:

  "strategy": {
    "mode": "conditional",
    "conditions": [
        "query": { "metadata.user_plan": { "$eq": "paid" } },
        "then": "finetuned-gpt4"
        "query": { "metadata.user_plan": { "$eq": "free" } },
        "then": "base-gpt4"
    "default": "base-gpt4"
  "targets": [
      "name": "finetuned-gpt4",
      "name": "base-gpt4",

3. Using the Config ID in Requests

Now, while instantiating your Portkey client or while sending headers, you just need to pass the Config ID and all your requests will start getting routed according to your conditions.

Conditional routing happens on Portkey’s on-the-edge stateless AI Gateway. We scan for the given query field in your request body, apply the query condition, and route to the specified target based on it.

Currently, we support Metadata based routing — i.e. routing your requests based on the metadata values you’re sending along with your request.

Applying Conditional Routing Based on Metadata

from portkey_ai import Portkey

portkey = Portkey(

response = portkey.with_options(
    metadata = {
        "user_plan": "free",
        "environment": "production",
        "session_id": "1729"
    messages = [{ "role": 'user', "content": 'What is 1729' }]

Here, we’re using the following Config that we defined above.

More Examples Using Conditional Routing

Here are some examples on how you can leverage conditional routing to handle real-world scenarios like:

  • Data sensititvity or data residency requirements
  • Calling a model based on user’s input lanuage
  • Handling feature flags for your app
  • Managing traffic better at peak usage times
  • ..and many more

Route your requests to different models based on the data sensitivity level of the user.

  "strategy": {
    "mode": "conditional",
    "conditions": [
        "query": {
          "metadata.data_sensitivity": "high"
        "then": "on-premises-model"
        "query": {
          "metadata.data_sensitivity": {
            "$in": ["medium", "low"]
        "then": "cloud-model"
    "default": "public-model"
  "targets": [
      "name": "public-model",
      "virtual_key": "..."
      "name": "on-premises-model",
      "virtual_key": "..."
      "name": "cloud-model",
      "virtual_key": "..."

Soon, Portkey will also support routing based on other critical parameters like input character count, input token count, prompt type, tool support, and more.

Similarly, we will also add support for smart routing to wider targets, like fastest, cheapest, highest uptime, lowest error rate, etc.

Please join us on Discord to share your thoughts on this feature and get early access to more routing capabilities.