
Create Completion

POST /completions

Generate text completions using the selected Large Language Model (LLM).

The request body for this endpoint is structured to generate text completions based on a given prompt and model selection. The response will be a Completion Object.

Pass the config parameters for the request in the headers as defined here.

Portkey automatically transforms the parameters for LLMs other than OpenAI. If some parameters don't exist in the other LLMs, they will be dropped.

SDK Usage

The completions.create method in the Portkey SDK allows you to generate text completions using various LLMs. This method provides a straightforward interface for requesting text completions similar to the OpenAI API.

Method Signature


For REST API examples, scroll here.


  1. requestParams (Object): Parameters for the completion request. These parameters should include the prompt and model, and are transformed automatically by Portkey for LLMs other than OpenAI. Unsupported parameters for other LLMs will be dropped.

  2. configParams (Object): Additional configuration options for the request. This is an optional parameter that can include custom config options for this specific request. These will override the configs set in the Portkey Client.

Example Usage

import Portkey from 'portkey-ai';

// Initialize the Portkey client
const portkey = new Portkey({
    apiKey: "PORTKEY_API_KEY",  // Replace with your Portkey API key
    virtualKey: "VIRTUAL_KEY"   // Optional: For virtual key management

// Generate a text completion
async function getTextCompletion() {
    const completion = await portkey.completions.create({
        prompt: "Say this is a test",
        model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",

await getTextCompletion();
// Generate a streaming text completion
async function getTextCompletionStream(){
    const completionStream = await portkey.completions.create({
        prompt: "Continuously stream this test",
        model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
        stream: true

    for await (const chunk of completionStream) {
await getTextCompletionStream();
// Generate a text completion with config params
async function getTextCompletionWithConfig() {
    const completion = await portkey.completions.create({
        prompt: "Say this is a test with specific config",
        model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
    }, {config: "custom-config-123"});

await getTextCompletionWithConfig();
REST API Example

In REST calls, x-portkey-api-key is a compulsory header, it can be paired with the following options for sending provider details:

  1. x-portkey-provider & Authorization (or similar auth headers)

  2. x-portkey-virtual-key

  3. x-portkey-config

Example request using Provider + Auth:

curl "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "x-portkey-api-key: $PORTKEY_API_KEY" \
  -H "x-portkey-provider: openai" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  -d '{
    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
    "prompt": "Hello!"

Example request using Virtual Key:

curl "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "x-portkey-api-key: $PORTKEY_API_KEY" \
  -H "x-portkey-virtual-key: openai-virtual-key" \
  -d '{
    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
    "prompt": "Hello!"

Example request using Config:

curl "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "x-portkey-api-key: $PORTKEY_API_KEY" \
  -H "x-portkey-config: config-key" \
  -d '{
    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
    "prompt": "Hello!"

You can send 3 other headers in your Portkey requests

  • x-portkey-trace-id: Send trace id

  • x-portkey-metadata: Send custom metadata

  • x-portkey-cache-force-refresh: Force refresh cache for this request

Example request using these 3:

curl "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "x-portkey-api-key: $PORTKEY_API_KEY" \
  -H "x-portkey-config: config-key" \
  -H "x-portkey-trace-id: $UNIQUE_TRACE_ID" \
  -H "x-portkey-metadata: {\"_user\":\"john\"}" \
  -H "x-portkey-cache-force-refresh: True" \
  -d '{
    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
    "prompt": "Hello!"

Response Format

The response will conform to the Text Completions Object schema from the Portkey API, typically including the generated text based on the prompt and the selected model.

Last updated