Groq + Llama 3 + Portkey

Use blazing fast Groq API with OpenAI Compatibility using Portkey!

!pip install -qU portkey-ai openai

You will need Portkey and Groq API keys to run this notebook.

  • Sign up for Portkey and generate your API key here
  • Get your Groq API key here

With OpenAI Client

from openai import OpenAI

from portkey_ai import PORTKEY_GATEWAY_URL, createHeaders

from google.colab import userdata

client = OpenAI(

    api_key= userdata.get('GROQ_API_KEY'), ## replace it your Groq API key




        api_key= userdata.get('PORTKEY_API_KEY'), ## replace it your Portkey API key

chat_complete =

    messages=[{"role": "user",
               "content": "What's the purpose of Generative AI?"}],

The primary purpose of generative AI is to create new, original, and often realistic data or content, such as images, videos, music, text, or speeches, that are similar to those created by humans. Generative AI models are designed to generate new data samples that are indistinguishable from real-world data, allowing for a wide range of applications and possibilities. Some of the main purposes of generative AI include:

1. **Data augmentation**: Generating new data to augment existing datasets, improving machine learning model performance, and reducing overfitting.

2. **Content creation**: Automating the creation of content, such as music, videos, or articles, that can be used for entertainment, education, or marketing purposes.

3. **Simulation and modeling**: Generating synthetic data to simulate real-world scenarios, allowing for experimentation, testing, and analysis in various fields, such as healthcare, finance, or climate modeling.

4. **Personalization**: Creating personalized content, recommendations, or experiences tailored to individual users' preferences and behaviors.

5. **Creative assistance**: Providing tools and inspiration for human creators, such as artists, writers, or musicians, to aid in their creative processes.

6. **Synthetic data generation**: Generating realistic synthetic data to protect sensitive information, such as personal data or confidential business data.

7. **Research and development**: Facilitating research in various domains, such as computer vision, natural language processing, or robotics, by generating new data or scenarios.

8. **Entertainment and leisure**: Creating engaging and interactive experiences, such as games, chatbots, or interactive stories.

9. **Education and training**: Generating educational content, such as interactive tutorials, virtual labs, or personalized learning materials.

10. **Healthcare and biomedical applications**: Generating synthetic medical images, patient data, or clinical trials data to aid in disease diagnosis, treatment planning, and drug discovery.

Some of the key benefits of generative AI include:

* Increased efficiency and productivity

* Improved accuracy and realism

* Enhanced creativity and inspiration

* Accelerated research and development

* Personalized experiences and services

* Cost savings and reduced data collection costs

However, it's essential to address the potential risks and concerns associated with generative AI, such as:

* Misuse and abuse of generated content

* Bias and unfairness in AI-generated data

* Privacy and security concerns

* Job displacement and labor market impacts

As generative AI continues to evolve, it's crucial to develop and implement responsible AI practices, ensuring that these technologies are used for the betterment of society and humanity.

With Portkey Client

Note: You can safely store your Groq API key in Portkey and access models using virtual key

from portkey_ai import Portkey

portkey = Portkey(

    api_key = userdata.get('PORTKEY_API_KEY'),   # replace with your Portkey API key
    virtual_key= "groq-431005",   # replace with your virtual key for Groq AI
completion =
    messages= [{ "role": 'user', "content": 'Who are you?'}],
    model= 'llama3-70b-8192',


    "id": "chatcmpl-8cec08e0-910e-4331-9c4b-f675d9923371",

    "choices": [


            "finish_reason": "stop",

            "index": 0,

            "logprobs": null,

            "message": {

                "content": "I am LLaMA, an AI assistant developed by Meta AI that can understand and respond to human input in a conversational manner. I'm not a human, but a computer program designed to simulate conversation and answer questions to the best of my knowledge. I can discuss a wide range of topics, from science and history to entertainment and culture. I can even generate creative content, such as stories or poems.\n\nMy primary function is to assist and provide helpful responses to your queries. I'm constantly learning and improving my responses based on the interactions I have with users like you, so please bear with me if I make any mistakes.\n\nFeel free to ask me anything, and I'll do my best to provide a helpful and accurate response!",

                "role": "assistant",

                "function_call": null,

                "tool_calls": null




    "created": 1714136032,

    "model": "llama3-70b-8192",

    "object": "chat.completion",

    "system_fingerprint": null,

    "usage": {

        "prompt_tokens": 14,

        "completion_tokens": 147,

        "total_tokens": 161



Observability with Portkey

By routing requests through Portkey you can track a number of metrics like - tokens used, latency, cost, etc.