Uploading Files

from portkey_ai import Portkey

# Initialize the Portkey client
portkey = Portkey(
    api_key="PORTKEY_API_KEY",  # Replace with your Portkey API key
    virtual_key="VIRTUAL_KEY"   # Add your provider's virtual key

upload_file_response = portkey.files.create(
  file=open("file.pdf", "rb")


List Files

from portkey_ai import Portkey

# Initialize the Portkey client
portkey = Portkey(
    api_key="PORTKEY_API_KEY",  # Replace with your Portkey API key
    virtual_key="VIRTUAL_KEY"   # Add your provider's virtual key

files = portkey.files.list()


Get File

from portkey_ai import Portkey

# Initialize the Portkey client
portkey = Portkey(
    api_key="PORTKEY_API_KEY",  # Replace with your Portkey API key
    virtual_key="VIRTUAL_KEY"   # Add your provider's virtual key

file = portkey.files.retrieve(file_id="file_id")


Get File Content

from portkey_ai import Portkey

# Initialize the Portkey client
portkey = Portkey(
    api_key="PORTKEY_API_KEY",  # Replace with your Portkey API key
    virtual_key="VIRTUAL_KEY"   # Add your provider's virtual key

file_content = portkey.files.content(file_id="file_id")


Delete File

from portkey_ai import Portkey

# Initialize the Portkey client
portkey = Portkey(
    api_key="PORTKEY_API_KEY",  # Replace with your Portkey API key
    virtual_key="VIRTUAL_KEY"   # Add your provider's virtual key

delete_file_response = portkey.files.delete(file_id="file_id")
