Getting Started

1. Install the required packages:

pip install -qU crewai portkey-ai

2. Configure your CrewAI LLM object:

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from portkey_ai import createHeaders, PORTKEY_GATEWAY_URL

llm = ChatOpenAI(
        provider="openai", #choose your provider

That’s all you need to do to use Portkey with CrewAI. Execute your run as usual in CrewAI and visit to observe your Agent’s activity.

Integration Guide

Here’s a simple Google Colab notebook that demonstrates CrewAI with Portkey integration

Video Guide for Portkey + CrewAI Integration

Make your agents Production-ready with Portkey

Portkey makes your CrewAI agents reliable, robust, and production-grade with its observability suite and AI Gateway. Seamlessly integrate 200+ LLMs with your CrewAI agents using Portkey. Implement fallbacks, gain granular insights into agent performance and costs, and continuously optimize your AI operations—with just 2 lines of code.

Let’s dive deep! Let’s go through each of the use cases!

1. Interoperability

Use Portkey to switch between 200+ LLMs easily. Call various LLMs such as Anthropic, Gemini, Mistral, Azure OpenAI, Google Vertex AI, AWS Bedrock, and many more by simply changing the provider and API key in the ChatOpenAI object.

If you are using OpenAI with CrewAI, your code would look like this:

llm = ChatOpenAI(
        provider="openai", #choose your provider

To switch to Azure as your provider, add your Azure details to Portley vault (here’s how) and use Azure OpenAI using virtual keys

llm = ChatOpenAI(
        provider="azure-openai", #choose your provider
        virtual_key="AZURE_VIRTUAL_KEY"   # Replace with your virtual key for Azure

2. Reliability

Agents are brittle. Long agentic pipelines with multiple steps can fail at any stage, disrupting the entire process. Portkey solves this by offering built-in fallbacks between different LLMs or providers, load-balancing across multiple instances or API keys, and implementing automatic retries and request timeouts. This makes your agents more reliable and resilient.

Here’s how you can implement these features using Portkey’s config

  "retry": {
    "attempts": 5
  "strategy": {
    "mode": "loadbalance" // Choose between "loadbalance" or "fallback"
  "targets": [
      "provider": "openai",
      "api_key": "OpenAI_API_Key"
      "provider": "anthropic",
      "api_key": "Anthropic_API_Key"

3. Metrics

Agent runs can be costly. Tracking agent metrics is crucial for understanding the performance and reliability of your AI agents. Metrics help identify issues, optimize runs, and ensure that your agents meet their intended goals.

Portkey automatically logs comprehensive metrics for your AI agents, including cost, tokens used, latency, etc. Whether you need a broad overview or granular insights into your agent runs, Portkey’s customizable filters provide the metrics you need. For agent-specific observability, add Trace-id to the request headers for each agent.

llm2 = ChatOpenAI(
        trace_id="research_agent1" #Add individual trace-id for your agent analytics

4. Logs

Logs are essential for understanding agent behavior, diagnosing issues, and improving performance. They provide a detailed record of agent activities and tool use, which is crucial for debugging and optimizing processes.

Portkey offers comprehensive logging features that capture detailed information about every action and decision made by your AI agents. Access a dedicated section to view records of agent executions, including parameters, outcomes, function calls, and errors. Filter logs based on multiple parameters such as trace ID, model, tokens used, and metadata.

5. Continuous Improvement

Improve your Agent runs by capturing user feedback on your requests. Portkey’s Feedback APIs provide a simple way to get weighted feedback from customers on any request you served, at any stage in your app. You can capture this feedback on a request or conversation level and analyze it by adding metadata to the relevant request.

6. Caching

Agent runs are time-consuming and expensive due to their complex pipelines. Caching can significantly reduce these costs by storing frequently used data and responses. Portkey offers a built-in caching system that stores past responses, reducing the need for agent calls saving both time and money.

 "cache": {
    "mode": "semantic" // Choose between "simple" or "semantic"

7. Security & Compliance

Set budget limits on provider API keys and implement fine-grained user roles and permissions for both the app and the Portkey APIs.

Portkey Config

Many of these features are driven by Portkey’s Config architecture. The Portkey app simplifies creating, managing, and versioning your Configs.

For more information on using these features and setting up your Config, please refer to the Portkey documentation.