Portkey provides a robust and secure gateway to facilitate the integration of various Large Language Models (LLMs) into your applications, including your locally hosted models through LocalAI.

Portkey SDK Integration with LocalAI

1. Install the Portkey SDK

npm install --save portkey-ai

2. Initialize Portkey with LocalAI URL

First, ensure that your API is externally accessible. If you’re running the API on http://localhost, consider using a tool like ngrok to create a public URL. Then, instantiate the Portkey client by adding your LocalAI URL (along with the version identifier) to the customHost property, and add the provider name as openai.

Note: Don’t forget to include the version identifier (e.g., /v1) in the customHost URL

import Portkey from 'portkey-ai'

const portkey = new Portkey({
    apiKey: "PORTKEY_API_KEY", // defaults to process.env["PORTKEY_API_KEY"]
    provider: "openai",
    customHost: "https://7cc4-3-235-157-146.ngrok-free.app/v1" // Your LocalAI ngrok URL

Portkey currently supports all endpoints that adhere to the OpenAI specification. This means, you can access and observe any of your LocalAI models that are exposed through OpenAI-compliant routes.

List of supported endpoints here.

3. Invoke Chat Completions

Use the Portkey SDK to invoke chat completions from your LocalAI model, just as you would with any other provider.

const chatCompletion = await portkey.chat.completions.create({
    messages: [{ role: 'user', content: 'Say this is a test' }],
    model: 'ggml-koala-7b-model-q4_0-r2.bin',


LocalAI Endpoints Supported

/chat/completions (Chat, Vision, Tools support)Doc

Next Steps

Explore the complete list of features supported in the SDK:


You’ll find more information in the relevant sections:

  1. Add metadata to your requests
  2. Add gateway configs to your Ollama requests
  3. Tracing Ollama requests
  4. Setup a fallback from OpenAI to Ollama APIs